4 Power Plays For Winning Your Ex Girlfriend Back

By Erick Hastings

Wanting to get back together with your ex girlfriend or your wife is a simple issue of mind over matter. You will find that your attitude has more to do with your success in your relationship with the woman of your dreams than anything else. While a woman might hear your words fine, she will judge you by your actions. You goal should be to show her with your actions that you are strong, fun to be around and the best man for her. You are confident and you need to instill a feeling of security in her when she is with you.

Most guys make the mistake of falling apart when their girlfriend or wife leaves them. Chances are that she was thinking about breaking up with you for some time before she had the courage to actually end the relationship. Perhaps you gave her a reason to leave. The reason probably wasn't what she told you it was. The reason that she left has more to do with a lack of respect for you as a man than anything she told you before she left you. It's your job now to show her that you're a man. This means no crying, begging or pleading for a second chance. This means that you can not tell her that you love her until she tells you that she loves you first. This means no contacting her or annoying her with requests to talk or see each other until you have your life straightened out and you are strong again.

In life, attitude is everything. This is especially true with women. It is often said that in order to make a woman fall in love with a man he must have an attitude that shows that he is willing to walk away. For instance, if your girlfriend or wife is accustomed to yelling at you or treating you poorly and you simply stand there and take it, changing your attitude and being willing to literally walk away from her will change her perception of you as a man. Literally turn away from her, tell her that you have no desire to listen to her anymore and walk away. You will probably be shocked when she comes after you and apologizes. Don't worry if she doesn't do this immediately. Be sure that her attitude towards you will change though. She will have a renewed respect for you and how she thinks of you will begin to change if you are willing to stand up for yourself.

Keeping your emotions in check is important. When was the last time you heard of a man that is highly respected crying or depressed over his broken heart? A real man takes the pain that life can sometimes dish out and turns that pain into a motivating factor in his life. From here on out, you are positive and optimistic about life. You have goals and dreams of what you want to do in life. You are filled with happiness and you ever look at your breakup as an opportunity to grow as a human being. When in the presence of your ex or anyone, for that matter, you are happy about life. If you are ever having a difficult time, control your emotions and tell yourself that you will process these emotions later when you're alone. If you continue to struggle, excuse yourself from the situation for a few minutes. Find a place where you can regain your composure and remind yourself that it is vitally important that you remain calm and positive in every situation. People are attracted to people who are strong and women, in particular, are attracted to men who are happy about life.

Many women try to take control of a relationship and you can probably look back and see that your girlfriend or wife controlled many things in your life. It could be that she told you what she thought that you should do or even what clothes you should wear. A woman really doesn't want to be in control in a relationship. A woman will test a man to see if he will give up control but at the end of the day, she wants you to be the man. Even simple things like making a decision about where you will go to eat is a test. You might not care but she wants you to make a decision. In the future, don't allow her to make the decisions in your life. If she doesn't like it then don't worry. She will get over it. This includes when the time comes for you to get back together. She will test you and try to tell you where you should meet or when. Deny her control and make alternate suggestions even if you don't have plans. Take control of the situation and your relationship.

Your self-confidence is the cornerstone of your success in any aspect of your life. Your ability to believe in yourself and what you can achieve will determine how hard you try and whether you give up on yourself. How can you expect a woman to love you if you don't have the same love and confidence in yourself? Your self-confidence or self-esteem is evident in how you handle yourself in all situations. Your ex will be able to see it in how you stand, your facial expression, the look in your eyes and your body language as a whole. If you are worried, scared, nervous or doubtful about anything, especially your ability to win your girlfriend or wife back, she will be able to see it in your body language. Work on your self-esteem every day. Work on your self-confidence the same way that you would work on any muscle group in your body. Spend some time telling yourself positive and optimistic things. Make a list of your redeeming qualities and stop comparing yourself to other men. In your world, you are the best and most important person. Without you, life ceases to exist in your world. Take care of yourself first so you can care for others such as the woman you love. Let that feeling be evident in how you walk, talk, stand, sit, smile, laugh and even chew bubble gum. Confidence and high self-esteem is very attractive to women and your ex is a woman so make it happen.

No matter how difficult it has been having your girlfriend or wife leave you, it is possible to reunite with them rather quickly. You will be tempted to go back to how you were before. You'll be tempted at times to doubt that your new attitude will make a difference. You will worry that it's all going to backfire on you but if you are strong, change will come. How she feels about you will change. Men are not kind and caring toward women that treat them poorly. It's a sign of weakness. In the future, once you do get back together with her, you can treat her kindly but don't overdo it. You can love her and still be the man that she needs you to be. Pick and choose when you will take her advice but don't allow her to treat you poorly. Don't allow her to lose respect for you again. She needs you to be the man in the relationship. When you're not in control, she will look for someone that will protect her and care for her. It's up to you whether that man is you or some other guy that is either already in her life or waiting to take control of the situation. Let that man be you and get her back before it's too late.

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