Smoke - The Biggest Danger of House Fires

 addiction Many people are unaware of the dangers of smoke produced by fires and many people are unaware that smoke inhalation is the leading cause of death in a fire occurs. Smoke inhalation can cause many problems , such as visibility problems can be extremely dangerous if you're trapped in a fire and trying to get out . Such a thing can happen blurred vision and can get very smoky very quickly, which means you will not see exactly where you will be even more difficult to quickly escape smoker .

addiction Smoke inhalation also can make breathing difficult for the person who can bring cause drowsiness and confusion that could eventually lead to outgoing person . This is extremely dangerous in case of fire the person not be able to leave the building at all smoker .

The carbon monoxide poisoning is usually the biggest murderer of smoke inhalation in case of a house fire . Fire produces gas and if a building does not have a way to let out can master all the oxygen may be in the building smoker . The carbon monoxide poisoning can cause very unpleasant symptoms for a person like headache, nausea and vomiting being the main smoker .

 addiction Smoke inhalation can also burn the nose, mouth , face and even the saliva of a person and about a third of patients admitted to burns units have damage to the lungs due to inhalation of smoke and hot mortality rate of patients with burns, smoke inhalation is approximately 50 % -80 %.
Anyone who may be signs of smoke inhalation should see a doctor and check either by a nurse or health care professional , even if the patient is conscious and alert smoker .

Most of which can still be avoided if the building has a smoke ventilation . Smoke ventilation systems work by allowing heat and smoke to escape and turn fresh air from the outside to keep the building to collapse and make it easier for those who may be trapped in the building for escape as quickly as possible smoker .

The smoke has nowhere to go if there are no windows , doors or passages to escape. If the smoke can not escape, then the building will become extremely hot and may collapse due to the heat that builds up inside the building smoker.

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