Just Two Smoke-Free Freedoms

People Want Freedom 'From'!

All over the world in so many places we read about in the daily news: People are rioting for freedom. "We Want Our Freedom" they cry- with loud voices along with large placards. 'And great for them!' I say. But have you thought how most of what they talk about with this famous freedom of theirs is FREEDOM FROM. Freedom from a dictatorship... freedom from entrenched dictators, But the key word is always FROM. In other words they want to be free FROM some thing,... from something, from what they don't like.

What About Freedom 'To'?

And certainly, you need to first get freedom FROM. But do we hear much about what they'd like freedom TO DO... What they want it TO BE. They don't seem to talk about THAT. And THAT is what I feel is the problem with folks who are preached to stop their smoking- to get their freedom from nicotine and from the nasty parts of their cigarettes. And that's all well and good. But what are these smokers told to do with their great freedom? Once they get freedom FROM their smoking, what can they then have freedom TO DO, TO BE?

What Do You Want 'To Do'?

Have you ever wondered? Yes, once you stop smoking you breathe better, you smell better, your health is much better, You can live much longer. As I say, it's all well and good. But what do you want TO DO with your freedom once you have freedom FROM your smoking?

So Many Things To Do!

I really don't hear much from any of the plans about what your freedom allows you to do once it's yours. It is a funny thing why we all don't go there often. And it is only when folks have freedom to do some great things that the smoking habit begins to look very debilitating for those who have it. You see, there are so many things you will have freedom to do once you are free from all your smoking.

"What Sort Of Things?" You Ask!

"What sort of things?" You ask? Well, let's start at the low end of ourselves: The Instinctive. Now you'll have freedom to romp around with grandkids- play with them till they've had enough- not stop when you're worn out. You'll have freedom now to build up your whole Instinctive Force- work out in a way that totally benefits-without concern for heart attacks. You'll have freedom to build up your capacity to exercise as someone much younger than you now are. And moving up from there- There's freedom for intimacy-- a lot more than before. And if your partner wants to bear children, you'll have freedom now to impregnate her much more quickly than if you were smoking and less virile.

I Could Go On And On!

I could go on and on with many more freedoms you'll now have: to accomplish things- but suffice it to know from just these examples: that freedom from smoking really grants you greater freedom to fulfill life's blessings for you and all those whom you love.

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