Tips To Help You To Get Your Ex Back

By Al Dancel

A breakup can strike the core of your being. The rejection and emotional pain that goes hand and hand with a breakup can cause you to question your moral fiber and even want to give up on life for a while. Having someone you love and trust reject you can make you feel cold and alone. The only thing that you can think of that will restore you happiness is to get your ex back.

Allow your ex to initiate all contact with you. You may be tempted to call your ex or send them a text message but you will annoy your ex. You will not be giving your ex the opportunity to miss you. You might miss their voice or have something brilliant that you want to tell them but resist the temptation to contact your ex. If you do talk to your ex, do not tell them that you love them. You might be in the habit of saying this. Those feelings are in your heart but saying the words and not hearing it back will only hurt you. Wait until the day that your ex tells you that they love you first. Then and only then will it be OK to verbalize your love for your partner.

Try to appear as happy as possible when you see your ex or any mutual friends that you might have. You want convey the idea that you're doing well and that you're happy with life. Being sad, depressed or telling everyone how much you miss your ex will only make you appear weak and needy. People, your ex included, are drawn to others that are happy and optimistic. Well try to avoid people who appear upset, sad and depressed.

For instance, let's say that every time you see your ex, your discussions turn into arguments. She accuses you of thinking a certain way or doing something that you didn't do. You try to explain yourself or tell her how you feel. There comes a time when you're just going to have to be willing to walk away. This method works like a charm. Simply walking away from an argument will defuse everything and it sends a signal that you're done. You're not going to try to explain yourself. You are literally walking away.

Just think about that for a moment. When it comes to matters of the heart, you really can't make a woman love you. It's as if they have a hidden sense that tells them when someone is trying to manipulate them. They can almost smell desperation and it's a huge turn off for most women. While they might say that they want a guy that loves them and is devoted to them and who treats them well, the truth is something just a little bit different.

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