North Carolina Free Divorce Records

By Ben Kingsley

In the old Tar Heel State, vital documents like marriage certificates and North Carolina divorce records are open to the general public. The state's Department of Health and Human Services maintains a comprehensive database of all vital documents in the state through its Vital Records Division. Civilians and agencies alike can contact the office for the appropriate procedures and requirements needed to obtain certified copies of such reports. You may also enquire about the current fees associated with the acquisition of these records.

Even with free access to public records in the Tar Heel State, applicants and other interested parties will still need to present specific requirements. They will still have to adhere to certain procedures and pay the necessary processing fees before they can acquire the files they requested. Divorce documents from January of 1958 are accessible through this office. You can contact the Vital Records Division for more information on where to pick up request forms, the current fees, and the requirements.

For those who are into doing research, having a reliable source of public documents offers a great advantage. But the ability to dig up much earlier vital records is truly beneficial, especially when it comes to genealogy and family historical research. And if you are after divorce decrees filed prior to 1958, you will definitely need an alternative source. Fortunately, the Clerk of Court of the county where the divorce was granted maintains a much more comprehensive database of vital documents. They may just have the document you need on file.

County offices and registrars have varying procedures and requirements when it comes to the dissemination of public vital documents. So it would be wise to give them a call and learn their policies if you are interested in obtaining certified divorce reports from their office. And while you are at it, you might also want to figure out how much they will charge for each certified copy of the document you want. Contact information for each of the 100 counties in North Carolina is available at the state's official website.

Besides the state's Division of Vital Records and county offices, the Internet is also an effective tool in obtaining public records and other vital information. In fact, most researchers these days are utilizing online resources to acquire the information they need for their research. But the Internet is huge. Finding a specific divorce decree will not be as simple as entering a keyword on your preferred search engine. You need to find a reliable online record provider that is cost-efficient and can deliver accurate and comprehensive search results.

Going for an online record search service can provide you with more options when it comes to gathering vital documents. With this kind of tool, an individual's personal background is literally an open book. From birth certificates and death reports to marriage and divorce records, you can access them in a quick and effortless manner. Normally a one-time fee is required before you can use the service, but the nominal one-time payment will essentially give you unlimited access to the site's database and other services.

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