Stalker Survival Guide - The I Am in Love With You Stalker!

Stalkers cannot separate fantasy from reality. They have highly addictive natures, which are often uncontrollable. When they focus their attention on you they are capable of just about anything.
This is really true of the stalker who believes he is in love with you. A healthy love is not unrequited and unreal it is an unconditional feeling for another person you wish only good for. A stalkers love is based on possession and control. They want to own their fantasy true love, as they believe they are the only person capable of giving you what you need.
They often believe the feeling is reciprocated as in their surreal arrogance they are convinced you are both soul mates destined to be together forever. If you are single they may be quite comfortable loving you from a distance believing that eventually you will succumb to their charms. They will send gifts and cards for as long as they can with tales of their undying love for you. If you did not know how unhinged they are you could be forgiven for thinking they were a genuine romantic who actually worshiped you.
The problems begin if you start dating or get into a relationship with someone. The stalker swill be shocked that you did not appreciate their love and advances. They may go through a period where they try to persuade you that they are the only one for you. When it is clear that is not working they will become enraged and this is the point where things really change.
They may start sending threatening notes or destroy some of your property. It may be something like slashing the tyres of your car or causing damage around your home. The person you are dating will become a target as they try to scare them off. They may get someone to make a threatening phone call or do damage to their property also as they reinforce their belief no one but them can protect and love you.
This is a creepy time as all sorts of weird things begin to happen in your life. They can enter your home and mess some things up to let you know they have been there or even graffiti your home (this happened to me and it was an insurance companies nightmare). At this point anything can happen and usually does.
As a cunning stalker will not want the police to catch them they are often very clever how they do their dirty deeds. No clear evidence can usually be connected to them. In my case the stalker was very rich so he did not have to engage in any of the offences himself making it even harder for the police to pin anything on him legally.
These kinds of happenings can play havoc with anyone's head as you wonder what will come next. This is exactly how the stalker wants you to feel and his wish will be that you refrain from seeing anybody in order to get some normality back into your life. If you do this then it is the stalkers mission accomplished.
If your dates are not scared off keep seeing them. You need to have a life and they will make excellent support as well.
The fact that you have ignored your stalker will really make him mad now. He will probably lash out so be prepared and keep yourself as safe as possible. Because he believes that his love for you is eternal he will not understand how you could cheat on him with someone else. He will try to take control believing that it is in your best interest to remain with him only. This is the fantasy world he is living in and like a child who has disobeyed their mother he will punish you.
This is the point where your new friends can be of help if they are willing. They can support you with the police. It is hard when you are alone because being stalked really does make you feel as though you are going crazy. A once normal life is now filled with strange occurrences.
I have talked before about how psychological some stalkers can be and I still find this amazing for some stalkers seem to live in two different worlds. On the one hand they have a fantasy world filled with their love for you and then they can switch to the real world as they secretly manipulate your life. It is as though they have a split personality going on. This is how they manage to stay out of the clutches of the law because they know what that reality will bring.
How they eventually end up incarcerated is when their fantasy world begins to collide with their reality and they even start to believe they are above the law. It is this God complex that can lead to there down fall.

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