I Am Jealous Because I Love You - Lie!

"I am jealous because I love you" is one of the most insidious thoughts anyone can ever think much less put into words, because it is simply a lie and like all lies that we are probably not too aware of, it is indeed insidious in nature - quietly undermining our relationship. So insidious that it can knock our relationship off course and we wouldn't even know what hit us.
Stop Loving So You Can Stop Being Jealous?
So at the outset, let us get this straight - never, ever say to someone "I am jealous because I love you." In fact, do not even think it. If you utter these words in your romantic relationship so as to justify your intense and probably obsessive jealousy, what is going to come back at you eventually from your partner is something like this - "Well stop loving me and maybe you will stop being so damn jealous!" Do you see the kind of dangerous game we play when we indulge such fallacy?
Even if your partner does not say the actual words, the attitude will unmistakably project those same words over time. Everyone has a breaking point and intense jealousy is one thing that can push anyone towards that breaking point very quickly.
Love is Positive, Jealousy is Negative
The truth of the matter is if you stop to think about it you will soon realize why this is so false. Love cannot have a causative effect which is negative. Jealousy is a very negative emotion, love is extremely positive. If you are indeed jealous, you are jealous for other reasons, but certainly not because of love.
Love is Love, What is Different Is The Relationship Form
If you love someone then that is it, you just love them. The form that love takes depends on the nature of the relationship - it may be a romantic one, it may be a platonic one, it may be a sisterly or brotherly love. Love is just love, its just the form that is different. The emotions surrounding the relationship depends on its nature. Jealousy seems to be more prevalent with certain relationships given the their capacity for emotional and physical intensity not to mention cultural beliefs. But jealousy has nothing to do with love.
The Basis of Jealousy - Fear, Insecurity
What it may very well have something to do with is is your insecurity and your fears. Which is not to say these are not justified, but they may be what are causing your jealousy, not your love for your partner. And these are what you need to address. Love will take care of itself if that is what you truly feel.
Too often in our romantic relationship, we get carried away and caught up in notions that are completely untrue and make little sense. And so we struggle to get rid of the problems because we are not even able to identify what they are. These notions lead us away from true solutions. "I am jealousy because I love you" is one such notion that has no place in our relationship. Because it is a lie and cannot be anything but that.

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