Will The Antichrist Be A Muslim Or Just An Unfounded Theory

By Essie Osborn

Christians, heathens, pagans, Muslims and all groups of people are wondering about one thing; the end of the age, that time when the world is going to end. The most interesting question that still lingers in the air is will the antichrist be a Muslim? This argument alone is farfetched and to say the least, there are no Biblical indications that the antichrist is from an Islam community.

The approach that many people have is that the beast is most likely going to come from the Islam community. However, there is no religious information, facts or proof recorded about this. The Bible itself talks about the beast but does not really say who he is according to the Book of Revelation. According to Koran, the Islam community believes in Jesus but there are no indications in the same religion that they are going to rebel against him.

Daniel says that the fourth beast shall diverse from all the Kingdoms of the earth. This ruler shall devour the earth, tread it all down and break it down to pieces. Ten kings, represented by ten horns, shall arise from the Roman Empire and the least of the horns shall rise to mighty power and conquer the rest. According to the Bible, this person is going to be the false spiritual leader. He is the antichrist.

Secondly, the Bible did say that many antichrists are going to come and in fact, they are already in the midst of humankind. From the book of the first epistle of John, it looks like this antichrist remains a mystery of its own kind. The Bible states clearly that the antichrists do not belong among the children of God, but that does not mean that they belong to the Islam side because Islamic community too believes in God.

A new beginning shall rise, a new life, a secretive and hidden destruction shall rule over the lives of many. The antichrist shall sign a peace treaty with people, which he later shall go against during his reign on his already established earthly kingdom. There is going to be a global system of apostate religion, economy and politics. There is going to be a great tribulation before the second coming of Jesus and the antichrist definitely has the chance to manipulate the world before this time.

Look at the Islamic faith, and you will find out that they are not against Jesus nor are they contrary to what he taught. In fact, the Islamic community believes in Jesus, just as Christians do believe that he is the son of God. It is hard to tell that someone who believes in the other would actually be against them.

I seem quite certain the antichrist shall rise from the Roman Empire. This must come to pass according to the vision seen by Daniel during the time he was alive. If his claims are true, then the person he is speaking about is similar to the one spoken about in the book of Revelation.

The Roman Empire has always been under the leadership of the Europeans. The Empire large, constituting a larger part of the European nations and a smaller part of the Northern Africa. There is no real information that says that Arabs or Muslims rather have a false spiritual leader who will rise among them.

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