Health and Fitness: Weight Loss Article Category

At-Home Diets For Women - 3 of Your Best Options
Want to lose weight from the privacy of your own home? Here are 3 at-home diet plan ideas along with the pros and cons of each.
Thinking About a 2014 New Year's Resolution To Lose Weight?
As simple as it sounds to declare a New Year's resolution there is an unfortunate statistic tied hand in hand with this yearly tradition. According to Forbes, even though over 40% of Americans start the New Year with a resolution, only about 8% of them actually achieve their goal. Read how you can improve the likelihood of sticking with your New Year's Resolution this year.
Losing Weight: The Number One Mistake Most People Make
When trying to lose weight, this is the number one mistake that most make. With instant gratification at our finger tips daily, it's a pitfall that is hard to avoid...
The Reason Meat and Animal Products Can Negatively Impact Your Weight Loss and Diet Plan
When it comes to fruit and vegetables the problem is what is now missing from them. When it comes to meat and animal based food (eggs, milk, cheese, etc.) the problem now is what is being added. Food production is now big business. Instead of our beef coming from a farm it comes from a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO). Just like with the fruit and vegetables, animal products are no longer produced for nutrition, they are produced for profit.
African Mango: The What's, Why's, and How's
Many people wonder if African Mango extract works. This article explains how to help it work, where it all started, and whether or not it is for you.
Reflecting Can Help You Stay Focused On Weight Loss
Do you have a goal that you are currently trying to meet such as to lose weight? One of the best practices to help stay focused on this goal is by regularly reflecting on your daily events to see if you are doing what is necessary so that you accomplish your goal.
3 Ways To Avoid Gaining Belly Fat Over Christmas
It's easy to gain on a bit of weight over the festive period and what you put on now can stick around long into the new year. So how can you avoid gaining belly fat over Christmas?

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