Drugs, Alcohol or Bullying? - Surprising Facts Emerge From New Study

You would probably be surprised to learn that parents' main concerns about their children are not related to drugs and alcohol. No, they are much more worried about bullying and the effect this will have on their child's development and happiness. Up to a third of parents surveyed cited bullying as a major issue.
Recently, Facebook have lifted some of their sharing restrictions for the rather vulnerable age group of teens between 13 and 17 years old. That has also increased parents' worries about cyberbullying.
All these facts have emerged from an ICM survey which was requested by Drinkaware a UK based charity concerned about alcohol abuse amongst youngsters. They are committed to raising awareness about alcohol abuse among parents and children. They focus on how to talk to children about drinking and how to limit their own drinking to offer a convincing role model. The parents seem to be unaware that the exposure and abuse of alcohol is becoming a major problem.
BBC reports on drunk children
The reality about alcohol abuse among youngsters and teens does not seem to have registered with parents, as yet. The BBC reported last month that over 300 children, all around the tender age of eleven, had been admitted to emergency services in the past twelve months because they had been drinking too much. That figure was up by 35% on last year. We are talking about alcohol here, not soda pop!
The teenage group reached 6,500 cases of admission to hospital for alcohol related conditions. That was a decrease of 11% on last year but still a deeply disturbing statistic.
The main concern among Drinkaware staff is that alcohol is increasingly tolerated by parents who should be much more alert to the dangers. They feel that there is far too much acceptance of drunkenness as part of the social scene at parties and sleepovers. If any reader has had to make a detour around vomit on the UK streets, he will be acutely aware of how much alcohol is tolerated and even accepted as a social norm!
Parents' concerns are based on other issues.
When parents were surveyed (admittedly a small sample of 1,000), they revealed the following fears and worries:-

  • about 33% were worried about bullying
  • academic progress - about 28%
  • making right choices as regards friends - 21%

Interestingly enough, bullying and cyberbullying is a problem and 25% of the kids interviewed said that they had suffered at the hands of bullies. The figure for the USA is around 28% so very similar patterns emerge here. The kids' top concerns were actually centred round making friends. Doing well in exams and bullying came further down the list
Low awareness of drugs and alcohol issues
When both parents and kids were asked about drugs and alcohol, the figures were extremely low and seem to be in marked contrast with the figures released from the Accident & Emergency hospital units.
The parents' and kids' percentages about drugs and alcohol were remarkably similar and there were very few indeed who seemed to be worried at all.

  • drugs - 3% to 4%
  • smoking - only 2%
  • alcohol - about 2% or 1%

Advice for parents
While parents have every right to be concerned about bullying, they need to be more aware of the risks associated with alcohol abuse and to be more on the alert. There are implications of being sexually assaulted and contracting venereal disease as well. Many of these cases stem from alcohol and that is why parents need to be on their guard and educate their children about the risks and the consequences in later life.

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