Write love letters left voiceless
by Prajit Bhattarai
I boil my thoughts to write my heart. This is not what I feel for you , this is how I show how I feel .
A test of unconditional forgiveness
Steve Wickham
This test of unconditional forgiveness is required to meet to be desired, if we're honest . But we can transcend our weakness by the imposition of conditions on our love just throwing our will in the seas of God. What I mean - cast our commitment in the seas of God?
What sarcasm has to do with the truth in love?
Steve Wickham
Speak the truth in love is both a privilege and a necessity in the Christian life , but sarcasm can never be seen as a way to tell the truth. Sarcasm may seem clever , but it does nothing to build the other person up. Telling the truth to others has no value if this truth is spoken in love.
Why beautiful women are not satisfied
Malek Moghaddam
The causes of discontent are numerous, and some women are happy, but the object of this article is why beautiful women - in particular - usually they are not happy. It is a fact that the most beautiful women - World - are happy and this is for many reasons , which are summarized here .
lasting Love
Michael Hoare
Lasting love is transformational . Discover tips for longevity.
Connection between a man and a woman
By Prateek Kishore Kahnojia
What attracts men to a woman and a woman to a man ? No characteristics or establish an external appearance that irresistible attraction , but the perception and understanding of the being of the person.
Meaning of Love - Love is already there
Nick Everett
The meaning of love is the bond that we have, we realize it or not ... each unique and mineral be found in the universe. Some call it God , the universal life force. Not a man sitting judge us all , but support power through us . Everything works better , the economy , communities , society at large , when we realize that we are connected to all people, all animals and all forms of life. Not only that, we are also connected with all forms of energy. The energy of the universe flows through the rocks , water, air, sky , planets above us and ... Everything else . And the connection should go both ways . This is a two-way cable that gives us
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