The Question Of Anti Semitism In The US

By Jocelyn Davidson

There are many Jews who live in America today who are concerned about the flare-up of anti-semitism in Europe and other countries in the world. Hate crimes were committed recently in Europe when people reacted against the actions of Israel in Gaza. Several hate crimes against Jews were committed and even in America hateful graffiti was sprayed on walls outside synagogues and yeshivas. This lead to a recent meeting of Jewish leaders with the Secretary of State and other government officials to discuss the issue of anti semitism in the US.

The most persistent form of sentiment against Jews that still seems to exist amongst Americans is one of attitude. A negative stereotype is held by a percentage of citizens. They see Jews as not fitting in with American life in social, religious and economic ways. They see them as manipulative and powerful, with divided loyalties due to their allegiance to Israel.

Polls and studies have actually indicated a decline in these attitudes towards Jews amongst the general population. However, a certain small percentage of the population persists in these attitudes and they show this intolerance in their bigoted behavior. The economic recession has also contributed towards negative feelings amongst those who feel that Jews have too much power over finances and are shady in their business dealings.

The polls may show that attitudes towards Jews are changing but the opposite seems to be happening with regard to hate crimes. Hateful graffiti, vandalism of property, arson and bombings are being seen globally. The United States has experienced this too to some degree causing great concern amongst Jews that it will escalate.

These groups include various Klan factions, racist skinheads, the Aryan Nations and neo-Nazis. The swastika has once again become important and the individuals belonging to these groups are often tattooed with this symbol. This symbol is often used as graffiti on buildings. Unfortunately, young impressionable students have been influenced by the bigotry of these groups.

Anti-semitic acts committed and recorded in 2014 around the world included countries in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and North America. These acts included incidents of murder at Jewish sites, death threats against Jews, gun violence, arson and property desecration. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has a long shadow and recent acts included spraying of graffiti on walls outside synagogues and yeshivas in America.

The Jews in America are not discriminated against by the majority of the population. In fact, the government has even instituted laws to protect them. However, the fact that violent acts are still being committed against them makes them fearful. They look towards Europe and the Middle East and cannot help but think back to the times when they were persecuted.

However, in the U. S. The government officials and political leaders take anti-semitism very seriously. Anti-Jewish attitudes and behavior are carefully monitored. Words have been matched with strong law enforcement. It is unequivocally condemned by President Obama and his government. The government also rejects any attempts to justify this hatred as an acceptable expression of disapproval over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The only thing that would be more ominous than what is happening at present is if it was sanctioned by those in authority.

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