Do You Need To Speak Japanese To Meet Girls In Japan?

By Kaku Nanashi

Japanese communication skill is not absolutely vital to score yourself a Japanese girl. I am acquainted with more than a few lotharios in Tokyo who can scarcely decipher the menu at a Japanese restaurant, but take home women with astonishing frequency. Anyone would be startled at precisely how far a couple of phrases in addition to a ton of gestures and grabby-handing can go.

But don't take that as an excuse to neglect your studies. Japanese language ability is absolutely indispensable if you're trying to meet girls in Tokyo. Despite being an international metropolis, rates of English penetration in Tokyo are abysmal. The majority of Japanese girls can barely answer "What color is this?" without consulting their iPhones. Good luck trying to chat up a girl who can't understand a word your saying!

Speaking Japanese and English proficiently will open you to the large number of Japanese girls that want to speak English, but cannot. You are the manifestation of their multilingual fantasies, which is another reason for them to meet you for drinks as opposed to flaking on you in traditional J-girl style. The romantics amongst you may balk at the thought of girls dating you for free English lessons, but hey, this kind of exchange happens all the time. You might as well use it to your advantage. I am positive plenty of you reading this today have acquaintances who you wouldn't associate with if it wasn't for their one particular skill-set that you value enough to endure their of their foolishness.

If you're interested in keeping girls who don't speak much English around for longer than a few nights, you'll need to be able to converse with them in Japanese. Speaking a foreign language is mentally tiring, and Japanese girls typically don't have the greatest cognitive endurance. Even if you're just looking for something temporary, speaking Japanese will let girls at least entertain the idea that you could have long term potential.

If that doesn't inspire you to pick up a Japanese book, then consider that most foreigners don't speak Japanese either. They are targeting the same girls as you are. Unless you consider yourself a cut above the average gaijin, you should increase your odds by learning Japanese and going for the girls who don't speak English.

But also remember that Japanese girls are humans first and foremost. Even with all the advantages that language proficiency brings, Japanese girls will not come home with you because you know a thousand Japanese proverbs. Even if you're a Japanese language champ, if you're a chump every where else, you're not going to get very far.

In closing, you don't need to understand Japanese in order to get girls in Japan, but being able to will make the progression much simpler. If you intend on being in Japan for longer than several weeks, you should consider hitting your local language center.

Always remember, "Let's help each other study" is a classic pretense for a date.

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